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Have what it takes?

Do you have what it takes to enter the Soapbox Challenge 2020? We are on the lookout for teams to enter our 2020 event!

Team entries are currently available and will be assessed based on the quality of build, theme, and level of banter!

Entries are currently £50 for a limited time only

Please get in touch and send us all the info you can, team name, theme or idea, a little about you and why we should choose you by using the form below! Or email us on teams@hoteventsolutions.co.uk

Good Luck!


    • Drivers must complete and sign the Driver Consent Form with the entry form as part of the entry process.

    • Drivers under 18 must complete the Driver Consent Form and have their parent/guardian countersign it as part of the entry process.

    • Hot Event Solutions LTD’s Directors interpretation of the written rules and regulations shall be binding on the participant and the competition under their jurisdiction.

    • The organisers have the right to refuse entry or withdraw entry of any soapbox or driver if in their opinion they pose a threat of injury either to themselves or others.

    • Each kart can be run up to a maximum of 2 separate drivers in the EVENT (Each driver should submit an entry form)

    • Karts and drivers to be available by 9.30am at the latest on the day of entry for briefing and safety checks. Registration and checks begin at 9.30am. Please arrive early,

    • All karts and drivers must pass the specification and safety checks to be able to compete and the scrutineer’s and event organiser’s decision will be final.

    • Drivers will be required to sign on the day that they have tested the kart and are able to adequately steer and stop the kart prior to the event.

    • No changes to the kart, apart from repairs, will be allowed after the rules and safety check i.e. the addition of extra weights etc.

    • Final Running order will be given on race day, subject to the above.

    • Attendance at the pre-race Competitor Safety Briefing and Track Walk is compulsory. (This takes about 20mins and will take place at approx. 10am. Details given on the day).


    Important Driver Safety Rules – These must be adhered to, or you will not be allowed to compete.

    • All Soap Box (Karts) must be less than 1.5m wide and 2m tall (not including the driver) less than 3m in length and have at least 5cm clearance under the floor.

    • Pre-fabricated go-karts are not accepted, although it is permitted to use systems such as steering and axels from pre build karts

    • All karts must be human powered, meaning no engines or external energy sources allowed (with the exception of a push start).

    • No part of the driver’s body should have the potential to become trapped in moving parts of the vehicle including wheels and steering mechanism and body work.

    • The kart must not have loose parts or sharp edges.

    • No materials that could shatter e.g. glass should be used in the construction of the Kart.

    • The Kart should be built in such a way that the steering column, brake lever or body work must be designed and built in such a way that puncture injuries cannot happen.

    • Karts must have functional steering.

    • Karts must be fitted with a working brake that functions separately from the steering and be connected to and operate on at least 2 wheels.

    • No braking with hands and feet will be accepted.

    • Drivers must wear a properly fitting Approved helmet, such as a bicycle or motorcycle helmet, on their head with the chinstrap secured. A full face helmet is recommended.

    • Driver’s legs and arms must be covered with long sleeves and trousers of thick material such as denim/thick cotton and wear gloves. Elbow/knee pads are optional, although recommended.

    • Drivers must ride the kart in a seated position, facing forwards.

    • Drivers must abide by instructions given by event marshals or officials in the interests of safety and the smooth operation of the event.

    • Karts may only have one passenger (in addition to the driver) on board at any time, THE REST OF THE TEAM MAY RUN BEHIND TO ASSIST IF REQUIRED