With our event coming up this August, we thought we would let you know our top 5 tips for building your own Soapbox.

We spoke to our teams this year and have come up with the top 5 tips!

Want to enter a team? Fill in your application online now by clicking here!

1. Give yourself plenty of time

Our first tip comes from Karen who has mentioned the key tip to Soapbox Building, that being to give yourself plenty of time.

Working on a Soapbox is hard, with testing, design and more testing. It can take a while to get started. Karen, a previous winner (coming 1st) has said:

You can’t underestimate how much time it takes to put a soapbox together and a top tip from us is to get started as soon as you can!


With this in mind, it is key to get your project underway as soon as possible, we recommend using project planning apps like Trello and Wunderlist to help plan your whole project and use teamwork more effectivity.


2. Lighter the better!

One of the main keys to producing the best Soapbox it to make it as light as possible whilst also keeping to your design. However don’t make it to light, you don’t want your Soapbox tipping during the course!

3. Make your cart a “Jack of all trades”

With this event we don’t release the track until the day of the event, we name some of the jumps however no one sees the track until the day. This means your Soapbox has to be a “Jack of all trades” ensuring it can handle the twists and turns of the track and the jumps!

Take a look at this Soapbox, the design allowed it to stand up with wings, however, when they came to race the wins were removed making the Soapbox more streamlined.

Have you got tickets for this year’s event? If not click here to get yours now!

4. Make it safe

Here at Soapbox HQ, safety is a key point! When making your Soapbox you should check all the features to ensure it is safe for the race.

We suggest wearing hard hats when riding your Soapbox down the track for extra protection, you can also decorate these hats for added design points.

5. Testing, testing and more testing!

Testing is a key part of building your Soapbox, we recommend testing your Soapbox regularly down near hills or a track you have designed yourself.


This will allow you to have plenty of practice time in the cart but also see where the issues come from in your Soapbox’s design.

We hope this post has helped you with some helpful pointers, don’t forget to get your tickets for this year’s event and also enter your team.

Have any more questions? Get in touch! You can contact us via our Facebook, Twitter or Instagram page or contact us through our website here.

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